Mad HatterŪ
Tea Company





10 Healthy Tea Facts...

  1. Tea contains antioxidants. Tea's antioxidants protect your body from the ravages of aging.

  2. A useful fact, an eight-ounce cup of coffee contains around 135mg caffeine; tea contains 30-50mg per cup.

  3. Tea contains a natural theanine which works as an anti-stress agent.

  4. Tea is a source of the minerals manganese, essential for bone growth and body development, and potassium, vital for maintaining body fluid levels.

  5. Green and black teas are from the same plant, "Camelia sinensis", and contain similar amounts of antioxidants and caffeine.

  6. Tea without milk has no calories. Using semi-skimmed milk adds around 13 calories per cup, but you also benefit from valuable minerals and calcium.

  7. Tea contains a natural source of fluoride, less than 15% of UK water has fluoride added.

  8. Drinking tea (without sugar) has been associated with beneficial effects in preventing tooth decay.

  9. Tea contains zinc and folic acid.

  10. A study from the Netherlands found a 70% lower risk of fatal heart failure in people who drank at least two to three cups of tea daily compared to non-tea drinkers